The Pulpster

The annual magazine about pulp magazines for over 25 years

Number 17

'The Pulpster' #17 (2008)

The Pulpster #17 (2008)

Number 17 of The Pulpster was published for Pulpcon 37 (2008).


Newsstands dripping with gore, sidewalks turning red
by John Locke

Plotting stories for the love pulps
by Sally Gordon

It bears re-telling
by Rex W. Layton

Ron Hubbard, the hunter of Baar
by John Oden

Two views of a fictioneer who was “bigger than life”
by William Lampkin

Robert Leslie Bellem, creator of… Lonesome Octopus?
by John Wooley

The pulp era in Canada: 1941-43
by John Hilkert

The day the pulps died
by William Lampkin

Tribute — Frank Hamilton, a cry of silence…
by Nick Carr

Tribute — Robert G. Harris, a friend goes home…
by Nick Carr

Celebrating 75 years: 1933-2008: a diamond year for two characters


Editorial, by Tony Davis
Final Chapters, by Tony Davis
Pulpcon Guests of Honor list
Lamont Award Winners list
Guest of Honor: Larry Niven, by Rusty Hevelin
Guest of Honor: Jerry E. Pournelle, by Rusty Hevelin