The Pulpster

The annual magazine about pulp magazines for over 25 years

Number 13

'The Pulpster' #13 (2003)

The Pulpster #13 (2003)

Number 13 of The Pulpster was published for Pulpcon 32 (2003).


The collector in his lair: a visit with Bob Lesser
by Kurt Brokaw

Music with your science fiction
by Wayne Leighton

25 years of glory
by J. Edward Leithead

In re: Drs. Jules De Grandin & Samuel Trowbridge
by George Vanderburgh

King of the Pulps — book review
by Don Hutchison

A choice of weapons
by Nick Carr

Report on our “capsule report”
by Wilson (Bob) Tucker

Cover gallery: a few first issues

Wouldst write, wee one?
by Don A. Stuart

Rocket to the Morgue: celebrating 60 years of Anthony Boucher’s classic sci-fi/detective roman a clef
by Rex W. Layton

Special note for pulp art fans

A bit of weirdness: the unknown cover story of Weird Tales #1
by Neil & Leigh Mechem

Who are these pulp people?


Editorial, by Tony Davis
Final Chapters, by Tony Davis
Guest of Honor: Joe L. Hensley, by Rusty Hevelin
Guest of Honor: Jim Steranko, by Rusty Hevelin